For those whose relationships do NOT survive the impact of our partners’ sexual betrayal (including sex addiction, porn addiction, infidelity and/or other forms of problematic sexual behavior), certain recovery concepts—like grieving, healing, repairing and moving on—are VERY DIFFERENT than for those who remain together and heal within an evolving relationship.
In my work with clients across all different stages of relationship trauma and transition, I’ve often observed a significant (albeit unintentional) degree of situational disparity, an impending sense of marginalization experienced by partners who ultimately separate. Too often, the unique needs of this population have gone unnoticed, unacknowledged and unmet, simply due to lack of resources that highlight, honor and address these fundamental distinctions.
Confronted with this challenge, I knew I had two options: I could call game over, or I could call game on.
So I took a deep breath. I rolled up my sleeves.
And I vowed to become part of the solution.
The rest, as they say, is history.
Are YOU healing from separation or divorce in the aftermath of betrayal?
Or, are you a helping professional seeking to support your clients, community or congregation? If so, I invite you to explore the resources I’ve created exclusively for this demographic. As a veteran divorce coach with 10+ years of dedicated professional training, research, interviews and advocacy—including firsthand work with more than 300 divorced, divorcing and separated survivors of sexual betrayal—I’m humbled to provide an expansive collection of awareness, experience and expertise on this field of specialization.
Bottom line, I know there’s nothing worse than feeling “alone in the aftermath.” Starting now, I hope you feel a bit less alone.

Ongoing Support Group:
DreamGirls: Designing Our New Lives
Join Anytime via Zoom! Two 90-Minute Sessions Weekly: Tuesdays (1pm CT) and Thursdays (7pm CT)
Welcome to my most flexible, affordable and accessible group for survivors of betrayal-related divorce! DreamGirls provides an open-ended and open-topic forum, for clients who are independently exploring their “new normal,” alone in the aftermath of relationships mortally wounded by sexual betrayal. DreamGirls provides twice-weekly coaching sessions via Zoom, facilitated by veteran divorce coach Rae Gaelyn Emerson. DreamGirls seeks to help women move toward post-traumatic growth, resolving their trauma through active and progressive “reconnection,” inspiring them to rediscover, reclaim and reorient themselves—all within the context of other women who are doing it, too. Clients can join DreamGirls at any point, on a month-to-month basis (no long-term commitment required.) Best of all? For clients who cannot afford the full group fee, DreamGirls invites participants to join on a “pay what you can” basis.
For more information, click HERE.
Got questions? Click HERE.
For a free consultation, click HERE.
To register, click HERE.

NEW 3-6 Month Topic-Based Support Group:
BELLA: Brave Enough to Live and Love Again
Second and Fourth Wednesday each month, August 14–November 6, 2024 @ 5pm CT
Let’s face it: it takes a special kind of courage to brave new love after sexual and relationship betrayal. BELLA is a twice-monthly online coaching group, designed to support women in ALL stages of movement toward future romance. Together, we co-create a profoundly consent-based environment, one that’s (a) autonomous, (b) empowering and (c) tenderly growth oriented. Each participant sets her own goals related to sex, dating and new relationships, with affirmation and accountability for taking meaningful steps toward those goals.
Autumn Schedule = August 14, August 28, September 11, September 25, October 9, October 23 and November 6 (optional rescheduling date), 2024.
Cost = $600 for 6 bi-weekly sessions.
Got questions? Click HERE.
For a free consultation, click HERE.
To register, click HERE.

Private Peer-Support via Facebook:
Not-So “Alone in the Aftermath”
Not-So Alone in the Aftermath | Secret Facebook Group
Admission by invitation/application only. Click here to request membership.
Divorce with Dignity | Podcast Interview with Kristin Cary
Living Truth Podcast from LivingTruth.org
Click here to listen—Part One.
Click here to listen—Part Two.
My “Big Sexy Comeback” Story | Podcast Interview with Jenni Rochelle
Beauty After Betrayal, August 2021. Click here to listen.
Creating a New Happily Ever After | Podcast Interview with Anna Osborn
Her Life Unscripted, August 2019. Click here to listen.
Feeling and Healing from Abandonment | Podcast Interview with Geoff Steurer
Illuminate Podcast, April 2020. Click here to listen.
Feeling and Healing from Sexual Rejection | Summit Interview with Jordann Alyce
Ready to Rise: Triumph Over Trauma, February 2020. Click here to listen.
What Happens If I Need to Leave? | Radio Interview with Carol Sheets
APSATS Betrayal Recovery Radio, February 2018. Click here to listen.
Divorce Support for Partners of Sex Addicts | Radio Interview with Carol Sheets
Sex Help with Carol the Coach, October 2016. Click here to listen.
Alone in the Aftermath | Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health
SASH Conference, September 2016. Click here to listen.
From Separation to Sexploration: Navigating the Liminal Landscape of Post-Divorce Sex | Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health
SASH Conference, October 2020. Click here to listen.