Let’s hear it for authentic womanhood.
The kind of womanhood that suggests that maybe we CAN’T do everything—at least not all at once, and certainly not without breaking a sweat.
Keeping it real.
We are born to be real, not to be perfect. Never is that more true than while navigating our way through the rumbles of relational trauma!
As you and I interact in a professional capacity, I invite you to drop any pressures of perfection—and I’ll invite myself to do the same, meeting you in a shared spirit of openness and authenticity. In my experience, that’s the heartspace where we do our best, most beautiful and most empowering work.
We’re in it together.
A decade ago, as I launched my professional work in this field of trauma-informed care, I named my business Women Ever After. I chose that name with purpose and with passion, believing (as I still do) that when women stick together, we share the capacity to write (and rewrite) powerful the endings to our stories of survival and redemption. I decided to go with with “women” (plural) versus “woman” (singular), because as much as I believe we CAN make it through anything, I’m too smart to think we can make it through all by ourselves.
For most of us, it’s easy to understand our need for support when the going gets tough. Yet in many cases, we don’t equally emphasize the imperative value of soulful celebrations, those precious moments in time when (usually as the result of some serious behind-the-scenes effort) something actually goes RIGHT. Just as we deserve support from others to do the hard things, we deserve sacred witnesses around us to celebrate the wins when we get them.
Calling all women!
Would you please join me in evolving this trend? Let’s make women supporting women an everyday experience—not only for the crappy stuff, but also for the happy stuff!