And she did.
Once upon a time, I went through a period of extreme emotional unpredictability. I’d cry uncontrollably, unexpectedly and inconveniently, all at the drop of a hat. My therapist explained that I was severely OVERSATURATED—I was overwrought from decades of “soaking up” every intense emotion I’d ever encountered.
Admittedly, I’m still susceptible to this. But thanks to years of practice and healing and support, I’m much less vulnerable to such chronic “emotional waterlog.” I’m learning to protect myself from “contagious anxiety,” the kind that once spread so aggressively within my relationships. No more “human sponge” in MY job description.
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OF WEEDS AND WARFARE was written by Gaelyn Rae Emerson in 2015. It was originally written for Sisters of Sobriety and Serenity, a social media blog for recovering women, with special thanks to its creator, Katie Maslin. Republished by Women Ever After, with minor biographical edits pending.
For more writings by Gaelyn Rae Emerson, click here or email [email protected].